Saturday, February 28, 2009
Message from the mortal world
We have returned from kenneth's house, reaping plenty of benefits:D What we have accomplished:
1) Scene 1( of the boys gathered around the board)
2)part of scene 3(where a particular boy falls to his death)
However, there were some hiccups, and I guess the results wont be as perfect as we imagined it to be, but all the same, at least there was some progress:)
3)We had a pond fight! With kenneth in the pond, and us throwing volleyballs at him. right:)
Nice dota marathon as well! We'll be back dere next week!:)
The Lost Boys resigned to their fates
11:21 PM
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Welcome one and all. Read on for our story. Proceed with caution. Not suitable for minions.
Now brave souls, we present to you,OUR story.
The story:
Group Members:
Brian Ho
Kenneth Ng
Lim Chieh Loong
Film Title: Final journey
Scene 1:
Starts off with a picture of the 4 friends.
The camera is seen advancing towards a dark room, revealing 4 boys in it.
The story basically starts off with a group of 4 boys, huddled round an accursed spirit board, more commonly known as the Ouijia Board. However, there is no direct mention of the name of the board, therefore, allowing the viewers to actually make their own deduction as to the nature of the board. Intertextual reference of this scene can be drawn from the Korean horror film,” Bunshinsaba (2004)”.
A high angle shot will be used to introduce the film, and it will slowly zoom in onto the boys. There is little/minimal conversation as the boys place their hands on a pencil, scrawling weird symbols to call upon the “old one”.
Within seconds, the scene dissolves, and the boys are shown leaving the room, apparently shaken. Junyang and Chieh Loong are shown leaving the room first. Brian and Kenneth then proceeds outside.
Scene 2:
As Brian approaches the main door, he takes out his ipod, plugged it into his ears, and blasted his favourite metal song. This for him, was a form of escapism. He constantly assured himself that everything will be alright, and what had just happened will merely remain a nightmare. He turned around and looked at his friend, Kenneth. With the presence of his friend, he felt much better. However, Brian could not help but realized Kenneth looked rather blank. “Must be the aftershock.” He told himself. As they walked past a pond in the garden, brian turned around to bade his friend farewell, and walked out through the main gate, and never did he once turned around and looked back. If only he had turned around, he would have seen Kenneth slipping into the pond. If only he had turned around, Kenneth might have lived. But he just went out.
Camera focuses on Kenneth from a distant, taken over brian’s shoulders. He could be seen struggling and screaming, but his screams of agonies were drowned by “Insert name of song”. Within seconds, he stopped, and sunk into the deep, murky waters of the pond, body and all, leaving nothing behind. Nothing at all… Or was that kenneth’s cap at the far end of the pond?...hidden amongst the bushes.
Scene fades out.
Picture of 3 friends are shown.( 1 had faded)
Scene 3:
AS the 3 gathered once again, they discussed kenneth’s mysterious disappearance. Feeling very vexed, tensions aroused amongst the boys, and they blamed brian for his negligence. They weren’t so sure what happened to Kenneth, but they sure knew something was amiss. Investigations was carried out near where brian testified that he last saw Kenneth, but neither one could find any trace of evidence. Soon, all left but junyang. He spied something misplaced at the far end of the pond, and advanced towards it. Carefully he reached out, he picked up Kenneth’s hat. Euphoric, he rushed out of the main gate, wanting to tell the others of his findings. Sadly, he never did manage to. As soon as he ran out, an oncoming car came crashing into him. Words had barely left his mouth when he was instantly killed/.
Picture of 2 friends are now shown.( another had faded)
Scene 4:
News of junyang’s death had spread to the remaining 2 boys. Shaken by the sudden turn of events, they attempted to try to close to spirit board. Once agn, both huddled round the board, trying to reverse the process. What they did not expect was that the spirits were not appeased, and a white apparition appeared. Opening his eyes, chieh loong took a look at it, and immediately, his face went blank. He walked over to ledge, gave a spastic grin, and fell backwards. Gone. Just like that.
Terrified, Brian ran over to the ledge, only to see his friend lying on the ground, arms and legs spread out, a gruesome sight to behold. Covering his face with trembling hands, Brian just sat there, dazed. HE knew his turn was next, and there was no way of escaping death. The grim reaper will catch up with him next. It was too late for regrets now, the gates of hell had been opened, and it will never close until it has hunted them down. The ones who opened it. In a way, the boys had disrupted peace amongst the spiritual world, and in return, they shall wreck theirs by taking the very breath of life away form them.
The picture shows a single picture of brian.
Scene 5:
“A few days later”
*The audience is not shown the last death, but instead, the house where it all started off was shown, a shot of it taken from the outside. As the camera zooms in, it shows emptiness all around. The camera then moves up the stairs, into the dark room where it all began. A photo was hanging on the wall. An empty photograph of just the background. No boys, no nothing. Just emptiness.
As the film starts to end and credit starts to roll, a new scene of another 2 ppl huddling round the board is shown.
The Lost Boys resigned to their fates
6:36 AM
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Brainstorming Ideas 1
As the southern wind blows, carrying with it soils of the aged, the ghoulish grave keeper awakes, a nasty plot forming in his dirty little mind.
"This Story shall be on a group of pesky, rebellious, condemned teens who thinks they are the mighty ones. The conqueror of the universe, the master of the galaxies. Well, they shall see. And they WILL pay..."
"One by one, We shall watch them fall, oh how glorious their fall shall be. Right off the cliff it shall be, and how I shall love to see heads rolling off, down into the valley deep below..."
There could be other ways to glorify their pitiful deaths yes, but for now, I shall wait, very patiently I will wait.
The Lost boys(sinc 1503)
The Lost Boys resigned to their fates
4:57 AM
Monday, February 23, 2009
As Our expedition carries us forth, we would love to relish the satisfying taste of the living, as we explore how each of us met our impending doom, which is not at all pleasant... As our story unfolds,we would like to implore our readers to stay calm, for you will remain safe... Or...
will you become one of us???

Nights out little ones, we are watching you.
The Lost Boys(since 1503)
The Lost Boys resigned to their fates
6:18 AM
Dear readers from above,
Welcome to Our World, where your vision starts to blur, and your perceptions cloud. A chilly welcome we would say, and hopefully you will stay alert. Very Alert indeed U must stay...
While You browse through the various gates, be sure not to step overboard--- Theres no guarantee where you will end up...
Frightfully yours,
The Lost Boys(since 1503)
The Lost Boys resigned to their fates
4:45 AM